Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We Didn't Start the Fire

I hope this link works for you because the slides are great - a quick review of why the baby boomers are having such a tough time moving from being 60s rebels to assuming the authority that comes with being at the top of one's game. If this link doesn't work, it will be complicated. The way I found it was to go to Slideshare and open an free account, then search Stephen Downes and download his presentation on Personal Learning and the link is on the bottom of the second slide "Prologue: How do you teach if you no longer have power over the students?" As the biological clock keeps on ticking, I'm still waiting to see that better world we thought we'd create. Billy Joel is singing We Didn't Start the Fire but it has the karioke words underneath so you can sing/dance along. There are 120 images that reflect the lyrics. When I was a kid we used to play a game in Explorers where they'd pass along pictures of figures of importance and we'd have to identify them. I was totally non-athletic so this was my game to win.

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