Saturday, August 2, 2008

Free Course in Connectivism

This course is free unless you want to receive credit for it from the University of Manitoba.
Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future. George Siemens and Stephen Downes – the two leading figures on connectivism and connective knowledge - will co-facilitate this innovative and timely course.
Week 1: (September 7-13) What is Connectivism?
Week 2: (September 14-20) Rethinking epistemology: Connective knowledge
Week 3: (September 21-27) Properties of Networks
Week 4: (September 28-October 4) History of networked learning
Week 5: (October 5-11) Connectives and Collectives: Distinctions between networks and groups
Week 6: (October 12-18) Complexity, Chaos and Research
Week 7: (October 18-25) Instructional design and connectivism
Week 8: (October 26-November 1) Power, control, validity, and authority in distributed environments
Week 9: (November 2-8) What becomes of the teacher? New roles for educators
Week 10: (November 9-15) Openness: social change and future directions
Week 11: (November 16-22) Systemic change: How do institutions respond?
Week 12: (November 23-29) The Future of Connectivism

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